Natural Health
Forever Active Pro-B™

Forever is excited to announce the launch of our new probiotic -
the latest in science and nature combined
It has been much reported that gut health is central to overall health.
Start up your digestive health engines with Forever Active Pro-B™
6 beneficial probiotic strains and over 8 billion good bacteria to keep your gut healthy and running smoothly.

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including ingredients.
Forever Active Pro-B™ is at the forefront of research, including FloraActive - a range of beneficial probiotic strains from Copenhagen University Hospital, a leader in the gastroenterology field. With a proprietary blend of 6 different strains, offering over eight billion CFUs (colony forming units), made up of six strains of synergisitc friendly bacteria, selected and engineered for their ability to reach the intended destination of the large intestine.
This unique blend also includes a prebiotic fibre to sustain the probiotics during, storage and delivery to the gut. Prebiotics provide the ideal environment for the probiotic to function and thrive. The prebiotic fibre selected is a short chain fructo-oligosacharide that is known to support fermentation of bifidobacteria and lactobacillus species used in the Forever Active Pro-B™ forumla.
Just one capsule per day can help overcome imbalances created by our food and busy lifestyle choices, which can inadvertently lead to a reduction in the amount of naturally occurring probiotics. Forever Active Pro-B™ works primarily in the intestines where its assists with the process of food digestion, helping to release nutrients for absorption and contributes positively to normal human growth and development by helping to maintain a balanced and healthy immune and digestive system.
Lactobacillus and Bifidobaterium genera; the species are: Bifidobacterium lactis (commonly found in dairy), Bifidobacterium longum (found in abundance in digestive tract of infants but less so in adults), Bifidobacterium B-bifidim (common bacteria in digestive tract and colon, also found un breast milk) and Lactobacillus rhamnosus (found in fermented vegetables and naturally occurring in intestinal tract), Lactobacillus reuteri (found naturally in milk and meat), Lactobacillus acidophilus (naturally occurring in yoghurt) - two major bacteria strains to help ensure that more probiotic strains survive to where your body needs them most.
This is the perfect, high-quality, bacteria supplement to complement your gut flora and assist with your diet and lifestyle goals.
The formula is suitable for vegetarians and is free from soy and other allergens.

Forever Active Pro-B™ does not require refrigeration and so is convenient to take travelling or when on the go.
Each capsule has been uniquely manufactured and cryogenically frozen to preserve the potency of each strain.
Forever Active Pro-B™ is a vegetarian capsule packaged in a unique vial that uses Activ Vial™ Technology, a specially engineered desiccant sleeve built into the bottle to control moisture absorption and protect the probiotics and preserves potency during the manufacturing process and throughout its shelf life.
As antibiotics themselves are quite fragile, Forever Active Pro-B™ uses and exlclusive, cryo protection technology that protects the probiotics during manufacture and throughout its shelf-life. Each strain has gone through thorough testing and has been selected and engineered to have high resistance to stomach acid and bile salts, allowing them to reach the intestine. Clinical studies have shown these strains to have a greater ability to colonise and proliferate plus survive the passage of the GI Tract.
These small, easy-to-swallow capsules make it easy to incorporate them into your daily routine.
Simply take one each morning, 30 minutes before food or on an empty stomach.
And what is even better is that it works in tandem with our patented Aloe Vera Gel, which acts as a prebiotic. Forever Aloe Vera Gel complements every ingredient captured inside Forever Active Pro-B™.

Whether your goal is to promote a healthy digestive system or enhance nutrient absorption and immune function, get ready to rev up your digestive health by adding Forever Active Pro-B™ to your daily supplement program and enjoy all the benefits.
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Natural Health