Dual Purpose Dogs
Breed Synopsis
The Weimaraner and Hungarian Vizsla are two of the many in the Gundog group which make fantastic 'dual purpose dogs'. They have a strong natural instinct to hunt and are very versatile in their abilities. Both have energetic get up and go characters, usually eager to please and when correctly handled will simply love to be with their human owners. Both breeds require commitment to train and, given their strong instinct, Gundog training is strongly recommended to bring out the best in them.
Classed as a 'large' size breed both need time to be exercised sufficiently twice each day and the exercise needs to be mentally stimulating. They are keen to interact and even on a walk in the woods will be in their element when asked to search and retrieve items. Another option of interacting exercise (but only after 1 year of age) is 'Agility'. As with Gundog training, agility is a great way to learn how your dog reads your body language and understand how quickly they will respond when given the correct commands.

The Weimaraner
Life Expectancy is
12 - 13 years.
The exact origins of this breed are not clearly known but, which ever breeds were used in its foundation, it has created a wonderful Gundog, Popular both as a tracker and a retriever.
Aristocratic in appearance with a shimmering steel colour coat they are also named as 'Grey Ghosts'.
A superior Gundog with grace, speed, strength and stamina. Usually has an alert and fearless personality and makes for a reliable watchdog, although timidity is not unknown in the breed.
A great family companion but can be dominant, protective, complex and demanding. Friendly and biddable but rather determined (or more like just plain stubborn...). This breed loves to be with their human owners and too much confinement can lead to boredom, hyperactivity and result in destructiveness.
A breed generally with good health but new owners should at least read-up on 'bloat'.
There are many write-ups on the Weimaraner but I can recommend browsing:
'Project Upland' - https://projectupland.com/hunting-dogs/the-complete-weimaraner-history-profile-and-hunting-dog-story-2/.
This article covers breed history, working ability and characteristics of the breed.
Both breeds are vigilant and loyal so you'll likely know someone is at the front door well before the doorbell rings. They usually enjoy visitors to their home but they can be a bit guarding one minute then demanding for attention the next.
These breeds do best with a firm but calm, patient owner. Whilst they are both usually good in a family environment they cannot be expected to tolerate being mishandled and, as for any breed of dog, should never be left with young children unattended.
These breeds are not suitable to left alone for long periods of time and we would not suggest either are suitable for a novice dog owner. However, if you have the time and are prepared to put in the work, it is not something we would write in stone, as in the right hands with the right training, these dogs will reward their owners by becoming super companions.

The Hungarian Vizsla
Life Expectancy is
14 - 15 years.
The result of cross breeding two now-extinct breeds, the indigenous Pannonian Hound and the Yellow Turkish Dog.
The Hungarian word 'Vizsla' translates to 'alert and responsive'.
The breed's original dual purpose was pointing and retrieving.
With a good nose, follows trails diligently and retrieves either game or a tennis ball with equal enthusiasm.
Elegant but energetic, quiet yet determined, bold yet gentle, confident yet cautious with an aristocratic air about them. Strong athletic physique, light-footed and graceful with a rusty gold cinnamon coloured coat.
Highly intelligent, sensitive with an intense desire to please their owners. Can become easily stressed if harsh training methods are enforced and an unbalanced Vizsla can unfortunately suffer with nervous aggression. But more commonly this breed is adhering and functional with lots of loving character.
Dual Purpose Dogs