Natural Health

Animal Care
with Aloe Vera & Bee Products

Lavish your pets with the benefits of aloe vera and bee products and contribute to their continued health and wellbeing.
A range of gentle cleansers, soothing lotions and nutritional products by Forever Living.
Care for your pets and farm animals from the inside out and outside in.
"We simply love products that the whole family can use"
Aloe First is a gentle but powerful cleanser and skin conditioner with added bee propolis.
Aloe Activator high pure Aloe content and is
safe to use around the eye area.
The Aloe Liquid Soap and the Aloe Shampoo whilst gentle to skin are still powerful cleansers so we always recommend mixing them with water before application on animals.
Aloe Jojoba Shampoo
• Aloe + Jojoba, Argan and Rosehip oil
• pH balanced, no added sulphates
• Naturally nourishing
• Supports healthy hair and scalp

The Forever Bright Toothgel contains no fluoride so is safe for use on your pets. Whilst some dogs show a dislike to the smell/taste of mint products, others love it and since using this product our dogs queue up to have their teeth cleaned .
Bee Products are a renowned natural food and energy source to help animals with recovery.
Wouldn't now be without the Aloe Vera Gelly and Aloe Propolis Creme - super products for skin healing of all levels. The added bee propolis is super soothing and recommended for more open skin complaints.
Can't recommend the Forever Drinking Gels enough for both human and animal use. Such an easy way of adding nutritional benefit to any routine. If the natural taste of Forever Aloe Gel is too strong, the Forever Berry Nectar adds just enough natural sweetness to help and the Forever Freedom has all these benefits of added natural ingredients for joint and muscle support. Available in 1lt and 330ml size.

For a topical form of joint and muscle support the Aloe MSM Gel and the Aloe Heat Lotion are again just as great for use on your pets as well as yourself.

Nature's Gift
Aloe Vera in Veterinary Practice
Author - MA VetMB, RCVS - David Urch

When unsure or for severe conditions,
always consult your veterinary practice
before administering any treatment to animals
contact us for a free Product Experience Pack
(local areas only)
Natural Health